Launched under the X-MEN banner, this series mixed the core concept of what the X-Men were all about with epic fantasy and futuristic science-fiction. Bishop, thrown into the future by means he couldn’t comprehend, soon realized that Trevor Fitzroy, his great enemy from the past, was already waiting for him in this new time. What’s more, whereas Fitzroy was always considered a ‘minor threat’ by himself and the X-Men… in this new time, he was anything but.
His powers growing along with his madness, Fitzroy became ‘The Chronomancer,’ a sorcerous despot who weilded the power of time control like magic and sought to become a god. Bishop would found a new team of X-Men – ‘mutant’ characters with wondrous abilities who would rally under his leadership and the X-Men’s legacy, just a long lost legend in the future dystopia. Eventually, Bishop would find Fitzroy. One mother of a battle ensued.